The Discipleship Pathway

In 1959, Camp Beechpoint was established with a purpose – to reach urban and under-resourced youth with the Gospel of Jesus Christ! Camp Beechpoint continues to do just that with our highly intentional Discipleship Pathway.


Youth (6-17yo) are introduced to the gospel at a week-long Summer Camp: Day Camp, Overnight Camp, Teen Camp, & Horse Camp. Many leave changed by the hope of Christ!

Campers and their Families return to Camp to connect with God and one another at a Weekend Retreat: Family Camp, Common Ground, Embracing Love & Winter Blast.


As part of the LIT program, teenagers take their faith to the next level while developing leadership skills. LITs serve for 4-8 weeks over the Summer and at Winter Blast. They also attend 2 Fall LIT Retreats, a Spring LIT Retreat, & every other week Zoom Gatherings.


Young Adults are prepared to serve as missionaries at Camp and in their context! The community created while serving at Summer Camp creates a lifelong place to belong. Staff connect regularly through group messaging, attend a Winter Alumni Retreat and return to serve at Camp!


High school graduates receive 11-months of intentional discipleship to discern & develop their calling. They live, serve & grow at Camp!

Your Partnership Impacts Lives!

Give the gift of the gospel!

Your support reduces the cost of Camp for every Camper. It also provides scholarships to under-resourced families (80% of who we serve).

Ways to Give

Join our Volunteer Team!

Groups & individuals are invited to serve weekly, monthly & as needed. Areas Needed: Equestrian, Grounds, Healthcare, Housekeeping, Kitchen, Landscaping, Maintenance, Transportation & More.

Contact Michelle for more info!

Your Prayers make a difference!

Sign up for Fireside Chats, a regular email sent by Brent, for more life-changing stories, the latest Camp news & specific ways to pray!

Email Brent to Signup

Help us Find Summer Staff

Do you know someone (18+yo) who would make an impact at Camp? Encourage them to apply to work at Camp!

Apply Here